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To use Teams, you need to create a Webhook , and set following environment variable on your pipeline:


After this, you can add following section to your .goreleaser.yaml config:

# .goreleaser.yaml
    # Whether its enabled or not.
    # Defaults to false.
    enabled: true

    # Title template to use while publishing.
    # Defaults to `{{ .ProjectName }} {{ .Tag }} is out!`
    title_template: 'GoReleaser {{ .Tag }} was just released!'

    # Message template to use while publishing.
    # Defaults to `{{ .ProjectName }} {{ .Tag }} is out! Check it out at {{ .ReleaseURL }}`
    message_template: 'Awesome project {{.Tag}} is out!'

    # Color code of the message. You have to use hexadecimal.
    # Defaults to `#2D313E` - the grey-ish from goreleaser
    color: ''

    # URL to an image to use as the icon for the message.
    # Defaults to ``
    icon_url: ''


Learn more about the name template engine.